Barth Daly LLP

Barth Daly LLP

Barth Daly LLP
My clients receive an aggressive defense that only years of courtroom experience can deliver. No matter how challenging a client's case is, they can rest assured they have a powerful ally on their side.

Increasingly individuals and businesses find themselves in contact with government agencies like the FBI or IRS. The consequences can be devastating, personally, professionally and financially.

The government can and does form the wrong impression of targets and subjects. Correcting the government's impression requires an attorney’s involvement. Successful , self-made people have accomplished much on their own. Unfortunately, many of these useful business skills produce contrary results when dealing with government agents.

Each client and case is unique, and my approach to each case is different. Every client receives the best possible defense.

• United State v. John Doe – International business can be perilous. I represented a businessman accused of theft of trade secrets and suspected of transporting banned materials to suspected terrorist nations. Ultimately the government agreed not to proceed on the serious terrorism charges. The case resolved favorably for the client.

• People v. John Smith – A senior government official was accused in a conspiracy to embezzle government funds. The government official faced over a dozen years in prison. After investigation and hard fought litigation the case settled for a misdemeanor.

• United States v. Joe Doe – Starting long before an indictment, I negotiated a no custody time resolution for an individual accused of violations of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Wire Fraud, and Mail Fraud.

• People v. James Smith – I represented a lawyer falsely accused of date rape. The charges were kept out of the media and damage to the lawyer’s reputation was minimal. Charges were dismissed.

Focuses: White collar criminal defense, criminal defense, sex crimes.

Law License and Admissions

First Admitted to Practice Law:  1998

Licensed to Practice Law:  9th Circuit, U.S. Supreme Court, California

Other Information

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Contact Information

  • 431 I Street, Suite 201
    Sacramento, California 95814
  • 916-440-8600
  • Other Locations:
    California » Sacramento

Law Office Details

  • Lawyers in Firm: 1-10
  • Fee Types Accepted
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